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Seal Mink Bicolor

Samson is the epitome of a ragdoll. As soon a we walk through the door, he greets us with headbutts and meows at us for affection. He produces the most beautiful kittens! Almost all of them have inherited mittens and his charming personality. We have yet to get a bicolor out of him but we hope to eventually!

HCM: Negative -/-

PKD: Negative -/-

MPS: Negative -/-



Lilac Mitted Lynx

This boy here is quite the cutie and an absolute goofball! He has been a joy to have around. We feel incredibly lucky to have him as part of our family.

HCM: Negative -/-

PKD: Negative -/-

MPS: Negative -/-



Black Solid Mitted Lynx

Milo is the biggest troublemaker! He has a knack for getting into everything.. toys, cords, random objects. It's as if he has a personal motto to mess with anything and everything that moves! I've lost count of many times he has sent something flying off the table, but regardless of the chaos he creates, I just can't stay mad at him because he is the most sweetest, most loving little guy! Look for his kittens spring of 2026

HCM: Negative -/-

PKD: Negative -/-

MPS: Negative -/-



Seal Mink Lynx

Zelda is quite the chatterbox and her "non-stop conversations" can be a bit much but we wouldn't have it any other way, we just love her! 

HCM: Negative -/-

PKD: Negative -/-

MPS: Negative -/-



Blue Mink Lynx

Zoe is stunning, she consistently delivers litters of 8 or more adorable kittens. She is an exceptional mother and we are constantly amazed by her ability to produce such large, healthy litters.

HCM: Negative -/-

PKD: Negative -/-

MPS: Negative -/-



Seal Point Mitted 

Astrid is one of a kind, she has the most piercing blue eyes that we just adore. While she can be sweet and precious, she is also sassy and has a bit of an attitude. She prefers to keep to herself,  but every now and then, she'll surprise us with a snuggle or a purr on her terms of course! 

HCM: Negative -/-

PKD: Negative -/-

MPS: Negative -/-



Solid Black Bicolor

We couldn't be more thankful for our Suzy Q. She is undeniably gorgeous and that personality of hers is one of a kind! She always captures our attention by meowing like crazy in our face and giving us affectionate headbutts. We look forward to her kittens!

HCM: Negative -/-

PKD: Negative -/-

MPS: Negative -/-



Blue Point Ragdoll

Sterling has the sweetest looking face and a personality to match! We can't wait for her to have kittens.

HCM: Negative -/-

PKD: Negative -/-

MPS: Negative -/-

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